Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fox parent's donation causes stir - Keach Hagey -

Fox parent's donation causes stir - Keach Hagey -

M0st media company's make contributions to political party's but this $1,000,000 went only to the Republican Governor's Association and there was no matching donation to the Democrats. Clearly, for a media company which has "fair and balanced" as it's tag line, this is wrong. But everyone knows that that tag line is and has been a lie since Fox news began using it. Fox news is one of the main cogs in The Republican Lie Machine which uses "news" as a political tool closely resembling a hatchet on the backs of Democrats. They make up false controversies, they distort facts, they make up "facts" and they churn out disinformation with alarming zeal. There motto should be "tell a lie enough times and it becomes a fact". I know the references to the book 1984 by George Orwell have worn off, but they are absolutely true. This trend is one of the great disasters in America, allowing Fox news hate speech to go uncontested.

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