Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day after the Earth Stood Still

Can you say change has come to the Red, White and Blue? We better add brown to the list of all American colors now that for the first time in our history we have elected a black man President of the United States. Here in the United States of Texas the news is not good. We reelected the same knee jerk, backward and determindly ignorant Republican Senator John "Corndog" Cornyn. Locally, in another step backward, eighty five year old Ralph "I'd drill on my grandpa's grave" Hall was reelected in what can only be seen as a repudiation of reason and discourse. Ralph has survived into the 21st century with an iron grip on his 19th century view of America. He still peddles the nonsense idea that we can drill our way out out of the energy crisis despite the fact that rational people know better. He never met a social program he could love or a corporate welfare bill he didn't. Don't tell him Texas leads the nation in uninsured children, he doesn't care. He and Cornyn are two peas in a pod. They still think big bid'ness is the be all and end' all of what makes this country tick. And they will do any thing they can to keep the ill gotten gains of those folks on Wall Street from trickling down to the people they despise, the average American. 

I don't know about you but I feel an immense sense of relief now that the election is almost over. I say almost because there are still important Senate races where all of the votes have yet to be tabulated. Two important ones are Franken vs Coleman in Minnesota and Jeff Merkley in Oregon. 

Al Gore wrote an editorial in today's Wall Street Journal on Sustainable Capitalism,
That would be the opposite of the kind we have now. And just to give you a flavor of what is to come in the Journal now that Ruport Murdoch owns it there is an editorial on the Shameful Way Bush has been Treated. ??

Arriana Huffington's post today is on Why All Americans have a Reason to Celebrate.

So much for UNsustainable capitalism.

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