This past week the republican lie machine has aimed it's magic words against any true reform of our broken health care system. All they have had to do to delay reform is to invoke the word's "government run" "socialized" "bureaucrats" "expensive" and "between you and your doctor" and the MSM (mainstream media) have panicked. Practically all you heard about the, still being debated, proposals was that the "public option" was dead. The public option was the plan to give Americans the option to enroll in a government sponsored non-profit making health insurance plan.
Of course when the republicans heard non-profit they knew instantly that it was a communist plot and a covert plan to turn our democracy into a socialist dictatorship, and I am not exaggerating!
Never doubt the power of a lie told often enough to become the "truth". The fact is that there is nothing a public plan would do but provide an option of a lower cost plan to poor Americans. Of course it would also pressure insurance companies to lower their prices and compete for customers. As it is the only customers the giant health insurance companies have competed for are the young and healthy. If you were sick, old or cost them a lot in claims they dumped you. If you ONCE had an illness they dumped you. For years now these greedy money mongers have had all of the power and few competitors. Because of that dynamic they have dictated the terms of coverage, co-pays, deductibles, which doctors we could see, which hospital we could go to and which procedures were medically necessary. In other words, if you want to see what it would actually be like for someone to stand between you and your doctor, just think about your health insurance company's rules.
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