Rand Paul has long history of controversial views | courier-journal.com | The Courier-JournalRand Paul has some even stranger and less moral views about society like the following:
He advocates
abolishing Medicare, Medicaid and Social SecuritySees no reason that businesses should be required to accommodate the disabled
Thinks seat belt and anti-smoking laws should be abolished
Doesn't think businesses should have to serve people of any raceAdvocates drastic reduction of military spending (one I agree with)
At a tea bag party meeting last March he defended the Big Banks, Investment Houses and Hedge Funds.
A strong supporter of capitalism, Paul complained at a Boston tea party rally on March 2, 2009, that capitalism was unfairly being blamed for the recession.
"We have very little vestige left of laissez-faire capitalism," he said. "We have a largely regulated economy, and we cannot let capitalism take the blame for this, or we will have less capitalism."
Paul also told the protesters that "the other thing just infuriates me is that they blame greed. Not that greed is a good thing to have. ... But it is an indirect way of blaming capitalism. What is greed? Greed is an excess of self-interest, but what drives capitalism? Self-interest and profit. They are good things."
And he has criticized the Obama administration for
treating BP unfairly over the Gulf Oil spill, including in a May interview with Good Morning America.
We are headed somewhere even more ugly in society and it is not because of the President being Barack Obama it's because the Republican party is siding with these wing nuts who want to destroy the social support systems in our society, eliminate regulation of giant financial corporations, and take us back to the frontier days where the person with the most guns took what they wanted.