Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Bank Fee Is Cut From Financial Overhaul Bill -

A Bank Fee Is Cut From Financial Overhaul Bill -
Gee, which political party would you guess just gutted the new financial reform law? Right, the R's. The famous first term Senator Scott Brown, who won Ted Kennedy's old seat carried the water for the R's on this issue. Because the Democrats needed at least a few R votes to pass the legislation they had to cater to Scott Brown's demands. Brown had originally voted for the increased fees on the giant banks and hedge funds but changed his mind and demanded that the new taxes on the criminals who put us in this near-depression be lifted from the bills. How, any person in this country, no matter their political affiliation, can shill for those greedy blood suckers is beyond belief. But then again the R's have no shame when it comes to whoring for their rich buddies. Look at our local hero to the money changer's, Representative Pete Sessions of Dallas, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. When his buddy Allen Stanford was charged with a Maddoff-like ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of billions of dollars, his buddy Pete sent him a little love note that said ``I love you and believe in you,'' said the e-mail sent on Feb. 17. ``If you want my ear/voice -- e-mail,'' it said, signed ``Pete.''

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Sanford you see spent millions lobbying and befriending legislators to fight off any legislation that would get in the way of his fraud. You have to read the Miami Herald article to understand just how embedded this creep was in the republican party. There were a group of republican legislators called the "Caribbean Caucus" which included Petey boy who took 12 trips to the Caribbean at Stanford's expense for luxurious trips that gobbled up $311,307 from his non-profit the Inter-American Economic Council. He liked Sessions so much he rallied his brokers to give generously to support his campaign against Martin Frost, raising $38,875 in the final weeks of the campaign.

Not that Stanford didn't contribute to the democrats, but it wasn't anywhere near the amount lavished upon his republican lapdogs.

So when you Tea Baggers say you have had enough of the government, I hope you mean to start by getting rid of these sleazy bought and paid for republicans because they are a rancid bunch. Though somehow, since your "grassroots group" was funded by former republican Congressman Dick Armey, I doubt it.

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